![Get Organized Without Losing It (Laugh & Learn)](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51uGA3AVo9L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg)
For this weeks Friday Find, I wanted to share a resource that I use for Organization groups. It is part of Free Spirit Publishing's Laugh & Learn Series. The title is Get Organized Without Losing It by Janet S. Fox. The back cover reads "Is yoru desk at school a distaster? Is your school locker a shocker? Do you spend tons of time looking for things you need to do your schoolwork or homework?" This book is chock-full of tips and tools to help any child be organized, and covers all aspects of organization from organizing your things to organizing your time.
My favorite part of this book is how inclusive it is! It goes over all apsects of organization, and even uses a little humor. I love that I can make copies of the after school scheduler, homework checklists, and project planner for my students to use. The book also includes some great chapters on organizing your time, using your agenda, and how to successfully get ready for school (the night before, and the morning of.) Kids really seem to enjoy the book, and I have enjoyed using it. It even inclues a note to send to teachers or parents.
I have used this book for all aspects of my counseling program--individual, small group, and classroom guidance--and I've even recommended it to teachers. In my small groups, I pick certain parts of the book to use, depending on the needs of my students. One year, I decided to make an "Organization Boot Camp" packet that included all types or tricks and tools to help students be organized. We went through the packet in our group, and then the kids got to take it home. In classroom guidance, we talked about some of the tips from the book and then got to go through our agendas and cubbies to do some cleaning and organizing!
I hope that you can enjoy this book as much as I have, and check out some of the other books in the Laugh & Learn Series. Another favorite of mine is Dude, That's Rude! (Get Some Manners) by Pamela Espeland & Elizabeth Verdick. Maybe I'll write about that another day...
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