Since we teach the 7 Habits at both of my schools, we are constantly emphasizing the importance of sharpening the saw. It's important for us counselors to remember to sharpen our saw as well.
Some of the sessions that I attended were:
Putting Out Fires to Preventing Fires: Implementing Effective Tier II Behavior Supports (we learned some great ideas for supporting our programs with data and also some great ideas for groups)
School Counseling With HeART...Connecting With Elementary Students (Great ideas for using art in individual and small group counseling)
Be An Active Participant in Your Own Rescue (ideas for using self regulation and yoga)
The Tech Savvy School Counselor (One of our fellow Greenville County counselors presented on using various types of surveys to collect data)
Bullies Need Love Too (How to support not just the victim, but the child exhibiting bullying behavior as well)
Creative Counseling (Great ideas for using play and art therapies in school counseling)
And last but not least...Books That Make a Positive Difference by Julia Cook!
Not only did we get great ideas from these sessions, but we also were treated to a lunch with Julia Cook as our Keynote Speaker, speaking about motivating underachievers.
I hope that you all take time to sharpen your saws, both personally and professionally. Sometimes we forget how important it is to network with other school counselors because we can't do it alone, whether that is by attending conferences or using the blogging community. As one speaker said in our opening ceremony, "we're in good company with school counselors!"